Wednesday 26 August 2015

How to treat mild anxiety attacks

How to treat mild anxiety attacks
Anxiety is a feeling of anxiety or discomfort, and comes on when there is difficulty or the seriousness of the current situation usually. You may experience anxiety attacks before the show, interview or surgery. Anxiety can give you the physical symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness, dry mouth, abdominal pain and frequent race. In many cases, you can treat mild anxiety attacks alone or with the help of adviser.

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1. Determine the changes in your life that may have caused concern. A heavy workload, conflict with a co-worker or a loved one, which is the next exam or presentation can cause mild anxiety attacks. Wedding, a vacation or a new baby can also

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Cause these symptoms. Even if you expect change, it can also be a good change to be the beginning of anxiety.

2. Relax throughout the day. Take a rest for 10 minutes every two hours to relieve the tension.

3. exercise at least 20 minutes every day. Exercise releases endorphin in the body that helps to reduce stress. Most people who exercise feel better physically and mentally.

4. talking with a friend, counselor or support group about their feelings. Sometimes, just knowing you're not alone is not sufficient to reduce the anxiety attacks.

5. breathe through your stomach when you feel the discomfort of anxiety attacks.
Shallow breaths can only make you feel more anxious. Focus and put your hands on your belly to feel the air pushing the stomach to the outside. When you breathe, think of the word "calm".

6. solve the problem or conflict. If possible, remedy the situation of the problem sooner rather than later.

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