Wednesday 26 August 2015

How to treat major depression

How to treat major depression
The main depression is more than just the feelings of gloom. People experienced major depression more severe symptoms. Many people feel tired or heavy as if they did not have enough energy to make it through normal daily activities. Severe depression can develop with the passage of time or after a traumatic event. Sometimes experienced by women after major depression or birth blues after the birth of the child. Severe signs of depression include changes in appetite, weight gain or weight loss, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, low interest rates with intimacy, chronic pain, and difficulties in the digestive tract, and thoughts of suicide or death. If you suffer from severe depression, here are some remedies to help your life back to normal.

Perfect Biotics


1. see a psychiatrist specializing in severe depression and talk about antidepressants. And often cause severe depression by a chemical imbalance in the brain, and antidepressants can help restore chemical balance. Antidepressants should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor. There may also be side effects. Millions of people, however, antidepressants have helped find healing from severe depression.

2. Talk to your psychiatrist about cognitive therapy for severe depression. Cognitive therapy works to help patients change the critical self-assessments, the feelings of pessimism, and sensitivity to the problems and challenges of life. By learning new coping skills, and cognitive therapy helps people who suffer from severe depression change their attitudes and be more realistic and less stressful attitudes toward life.

3. for the treatment of severe depression, you might get at the root of the problem through psychotherapy. The aim of psychotherapy is to talk and analysis of past traumatic event or events that are the underlying causes of severe depression. Most

Sometimes patients with severe depression can not remember the events that affect their lives. However, stress and trauma caused by the inability to function normally in everyday life.

4. A healthy diet and taking supplements to treat the symptoms of severe depression. Many people say they feel better to avoid sugar and taking St. John's wort. Other supplements to help severe depression also contains vitamin B12, zinc, ginkgo balboa O5-Hydroxytryptophan. Note that most people who suffer from major depression need antidepressants, and may be interactions when taking supplements and drugs together.

5. Start a regular exercise routine for the treatment of severe depression. Good range of cardio and strength have helped many people to overcome the feelings of severe depression. Exercise increases the "feel good" chemicals in the brain such as dopamine and serotonin and noradrenaline, which alleviate symptoms of severe depression

6. Consideration of the adoption of a comprehensive approach for the treatment of severe depression. Many people take antidepressants, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and work with a therapist to recover from severe depression.

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