Wednesday 26 August 2015

Early detection of lung cancer

Early detection of lung cancer
Of all the things you do not know about lung cancer, one thing is clear: early detection of lung cancer is the key to survival. Those who are fortunate enough to detect cancer before it gets a chance to spread their survival of about 50 percent rate. Cancer that has spread, drops to survive to 2 percent rate. Early detection of lung cancer is a particular problem because there are not adopted any globally, despite the fact that there are many ways options.

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Identification of symptoms
For those who have symptoms of lung cancer - such as a persistent cough, cough, phlegm and shortness of breath - and access to a doctor for an examination it is recommended. Lung cancer can occur at almost any age, but is most common in people over 60 years or those who have a history of smoking. There were also some types of work environments that cause lung cancer and those suffering from asbestos stations and microwave popcorn.

Consult your doctor
Talk with your doctor is the next step. The doctor will review your medical history, and ask a few questions and maybe provide a referral to an oncologist. This is a company specialized in the field of medicine which is able to patients who suffer from cancer treatment. Many insurance companies require a visit to the primary care provider before providing services. Primary health care provider and then provide a reference. It is important that the tumor is a part of your insurance program.

There are a number of ways that an individual can be a test for the detection of cancer. CT takes a picture of the breast. Doctors can analyze the images and determine whether the cancer is concerned. A bronchoscopy is the last test involves the introduction of a tube with a small

Camera attached to the lungs to the test. It can also sputum examination for the presence of cancer cells. In some cases, once the test is completed, there may be a follow-up test confirming the suspicion of a different type.

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Other tests
If the tests confirm the cancer, there is a good chance that follow-up tests will be done to determine the extent of the spread of cancer. This is why early detection is very important. If the cancer has not spread to other areas of the body, and there is a good possibility of containment and treatment. In addition, treatment options are also more versatile if the detection of lung cancer early.

Treatment options for lung cancer early
While most people understand that there is a possibility of chemotherapy and radiation, and there are other types of treatments that often if caught in time. Surgery is often one of the most effective options. It also offers one of the fastest ways to get rid of the cancer. Radiation may also be an option, but he has more side effects, and often take longer.

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